The Cuban Network of Researchers on International Relations is Relaunched


In an international context characterized by its complexity and in view of the need to disseminate scientific knowledge on the main global problems in order to generate possible solutions, the Cuban Network of Researchers on International Relations (REDINT) is relaunched.

The Network, created in 2016, brings together more than a hundred Cuban and foreign professionals who carry out scientific research on the international system. Its fundamental objectives are: promoting collaborative relationships among its members, enhancing the visibility of the research results of academics, teachers and specialists, as well as sharing with the interested public the most important outcomes of the scientific production of researchers.

REDINT has a new website that disseminates the work of its members. There you can find the most recent articles; specialized Cuban magazines; research projects in progress; the latest published books; the call and results of academic fora; the doctoral programs, master's degrees and courses offered by Cuban universities and study centers, as well as various audiovisual materials and podcasts that reflect the debates and opinions of their researchers.

The members of REDINT have the possibility of being part of a community of researchers that interacts through the academic social network REDINT 2.0 conceived exclusively for them. This technological platform allows exchanging knowledge, accessing specialized bibliography, developing online debates using its virtual forum and holding videoconferences.

The Network is coordinated by various teaching, academic and research institutions such as the Higher Institute of International Relations "Raúl Roa García" (ISRI), the Center for International Politics Research (CIPI), the Center for Hemispheric, and U.S. Studies (CEHSEU), the International Economics Research Center (CIEI), the World Economics Research Center (CIEM), as well as by other institutions that carry out studies on various aspects of international relations. REDINT also promotes the establishment of alliances and joint projects with other similar networks on an international scale.

The main contents of this Network are available to the public through the website and you can follow their social networks on Facebook, Twitter and its YouTube channel.

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